Be Around Me – “Bear-friendly” certificate recipient
Their interest is in preserving the forest and its inhabitants as it is. They strive to implement and spread knowledge about the coexistence of people with large carnivores, which is also supported by the projects LIFE DINALP BEAR, CARNIVORA DINARICA, LIFE LYNX and LIFE WOLF ALPS. The friendly, experienced team of Be Around Me has received the Bear-Friendly sign for their excellent service, which in practice means that their activities in the forest are safe and friendly for all large carnivores as well as all the visitors.
At the agreed place, a local tourist guide and an experienced hunter will meet you, and through an interesting and instructive interpretation of nature and the rules of behavior in the forest, you will be prepared to observe the “King of the Javorniki forests”.
The all-terrain vehicle ride is followed by bear watching, which takes place in silence. The observatory is also suitably equipped for photo hunting, it is soundproofed, equipped with a wireless WiFi connection and an external video surveillance system. It is also accessible for wheelchair users.
Observing bears and other forest animals accompanied by an experienced hunter is safe for both you and the forest inhabitants.
The adventure is suitable for families with children over 12 years old, couples, lovers of nature and forest animals, photographers, disabled people, small groups of up to 6 people. Families with children under 12 can rent the entire observatory to themselves.
No special equipment is required. We recommend that you do not use perfume on the day of the observation, bring your water bottle and, of course, your camera.
The number of people is limited, so advance reservation is required.
After the all-terrain vehicle ride, there is a walk along the slopes of the Javornik Hills, where you get to know their inhabitants and their peculiarities. With an experienced hunter, you will learn about photo traps for large carnivores (lynx, wolf, bear) and other forest animals, you will walk through the most beautiful beech forest and enjoy a hunter’s snack. The ascent to one of the highest peaks of Javorniki, with good visibility, offers a view that reaches all the way to the sea and snow-capped peaks. You will continue your journey with an all-terrain vehicle towards the wildlife observatory and through an interesting and instructive interpretation of their life, you will prepare for the observation of the “King of Javorniki”.
The adventure is suitable for families with children (recommended age of at least 5 years), couples, lovers of nature and forest animals, photographers, individuals, small groups of up to 4 people. We recommend hiking shoes and warm clothes.
The number of people is limited, so advance reservation is required.